Viz to critique: Temperature difference in NYC
Source: MakeOver Monday 2023, No. 39, The Guardian
This is a great visualization, with good color scale, details, title, map overlay.
However, this displayed only data in one afternoon. I was interesting in seeing how the temperature in poorer area may be different during other time as well. This leads to the following sketch…
First I started with some very rough brainstorming. I wanted to make it obvious that I am comparing against the different boroughs, and hopefully showing that Bronx is very high in temperature. I tried to follow Good Charts’ advice and tried out a bar graph, even though I believed it wouldn’t have worked.
The following is my digitalized sketch. I made a line graph showcasing the different boroughs’ average temperature across various days.
I had some difficulty showcasing the trend, and I tried to make the data look better by calculating a running average and to make the color chocie more intentional. I tested this with a couple friends, and they gave very similar feedback with some of the issues with my chart. Here are some of my questions and their summarized insights.
Can you tell me what you think this is?
Is there anything you find surprising or confusing?
Who do you think is the intended audience?
After learning about the context, what would you change?
Can you tell me what you think this is?
Who do you think is the intended audience?
After learning about the context, what would you change?
After the feedback, I decided to look at the Watch me Viz video by Andy Kriebel, which showcased some cool techniques:
Additionally, both Andy and I recognized some difficulty with revisualizing this data. For example, the data set doesn’t actually align with the dataset used in the visualization in the news article. The data provided does not give a good way to map out the sensors.
Here is my final redesign. This is a chart mapping out the average temperature of a specific hour, on a specific day, for all days in July, grouped by boroughs. Because the data set is different, I wanted to tell a different story: instead of focusing on just Bronx, I decided to focus on all boroughs on July, one of the hottest month in NYC, and also focused on the hottest hours in a day, which is afternoon between 12-5pm.
This chart also improved upon the feedback through these changes: